10 Resources To Help You Get Started Programming with Python -
There's no question that if you want a head start in your career as a
GIS Analyst, programmer, or other technology professional that Python
programming is a must. Just look around on twitter, follow some geo
hacks on Google +, check out the developer resources, and attend a
GeoGeek meetup of WhereCamp and you'll hear about python.
Exploring Foursquare with The Explore foursquare map - A look at some clever mapping functionality available to users of the foursquare service
58% Use Location-based Apps Despite Privacy Concerns - A telephone poll of 1,000 Americans shows that many people are concerned about geolocation, which uses data from a computer or mobile device to identify a physical location
The Really Big List of Mapping, Geo location Mobile developer resources, APIs and Tools? - The Mobile Ecosystem... no question that mobile is huge and the opportunity for developers, in particular, geo developers! There's loads of developer resources on the web so to help the developer, here's a listing of just some of the fine dev resources, blogs, toolsets and more to consider when developing or porting your app to a smartphone or Tablet.
Mobile Technology Feature - Top 10 Business Apps for Android - Android has become one of the most popular mobile operating systems
in the world due to advanced software, competitive manufacturers, and an
app market that is filled with exciting and useful applications. Read
on for this fine Top 10 List compiled by tech writer, Blake Sanders
ArcGIS.com Mashup Tutorial with Flickr and Foursquare data -
Here's a simple "how to" tutorial on working with the free ArcGIS.com
to easily import KML or RSS data from Flickr and foursquare into ArcGIS
to create your own custom map mashup.
Most Users of Free Photo Apps Say Adding Cool Effects is Most Useful? - Adding cool effects to photos was rated as the most useful thing by more than half of consumers surveyed using free online photography services, according to CatchFree a free online service that helps people find the best free mobile and web applications to perform useful tasks.
10 Things That You Should Be Including In Your Press Release -
We'd like to share a short list of 10 items that anyone creating a
press release might/should consider including in their press release.?
Flickr GPS Photo Tag Tip? - Here's a tip for Flickr users who want to share their GPS information with their photos. note, in order to do this you'll need to be capturing photos using a GPS-enabled or GPS-aware camera (see you're smartphone hardware settings to ensure that GPS or location sharing is turned "ON)".?
Source: http://www.lbszone.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9826&Itemid=2
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